Saturday, March 7, 2009

Group Health, We Love You!

Amy here. I am back ...well, a little bit. A slightest hint of a routine is emerging for our new life as parents of Hale who lives in a hospital instead of at home.

We go in the morning for a few hours and in the evening for a few hours and pretend to be moving forward with the rest of our life in between. This is how we have done it for the past few days.

Before that I was at the hospital pretty much all day until one of Hale's (our) nurses so gently, so sweetly told me go GO HOME and REST. I love her for that.

I just got a customer service survey from Group Health in the mail. Besides thinking about how blessed we are for having a son who came so early and is doing so well—(He just was weighed in at a little over 4 pounds and he is breathing totally on his own)—I think about how on earth I can properly thank all the people at Group Health who have been my absolute heroes.

Every nurse watching over Hale is incredible. It is so clear they are doing their job out of love. I turn the corner in the Special Care Nursery toward Hale's corner ("a womb with a view", one nurse calls it) and 85% of the time there is a sweet someone there, checking on him, talking to him, caring for him. Then I walk in and they check on, talk with and care about ME too.

They are teaching us so much — tricks on how to change a diaper, the ergonomics of breastfeeding, that it is OK (indeed, necessary!) to leave the hospital. When I talk about the nurses at Group Health, I pretty much well up with tears every time. They are taking care of my baby and I know they are doing a better job than I could right now. Scott and I feel so grateful. So blessed to have them.


  1. Hi there, I work at GH and noticed you post this morning. I search for Group Health mentions daily. If you don't mind I would love to share this with our nurses in the childbirth center. This would make their day!

    I too had a baby recently at Group Health and loved everyone so much for helping us. I recently shared my story on Group Health's Facebook Fan page. If you are a member become a fan and share your story too. Thanks and congratulations!!

  2. Hi Amy,

    i had e and c at group health on capitol hill too. we loved all the nurses there too. they were really helpful, sweet and caring.

    apt 401
