And I was all like, "Yes, please!" And so we did. Since he's doing so well (they're telling us), and since the nurses know they have particularly gifted parents on their hands (we're telling ourselves), they are letting us be pretty hands-on. Changing diapers, getting him in and out of the incubator, fixing up his clothes, helping us not to drown him...
It's sweet as heck, really--and totally like we're at craft camp or something. The nurses are so amazingly sweet and patient and confident and caring. It's like they really care how we do at this! And they help us get to where we feel like we can actually sort of do something, instead of being overwhelmed by it.
Seriously: It's cheating.

Just. Amazing. The whole thing, you know?
ohhhhh there is nothing like the first bath. hooray, Hale!