Earlier he had the big clunky CPAP snorkel. For the last few days he's just had the 'nasal cannula', blowing in a little 'room air'--a humidified and filtered version of the stuff we breathe, same oxygen concentration, just a little extra puff to help him absorb the stuff, help his soft little lungs stay inflated.
And today he got that taken off. He's still got a little NG (nasal-gastric) feeding tube in his nose, but that's sposeta be gone tomorrow we hear.

"We tend to run 'em pretty dry the first few weeks," the neonatologist said today, "to help their lungs dry out enough--imagine how moist it was where he came from, and how that would affect your lungs." Hmm. Makes sense to me. This accounts for most of the weight loss.

We're starting to realize that the rhythm of hospital trips and breastpumping and trying to make a living is one that's going to take some experimenting, and some serious commitment. It's working, so far, but we're definitely having to work at it. Not a complaint--we knew we were signing up for this. But yeah, the thing about it being a lot of work?

Look at him all free from tubes and stuff! He looks beautiful! Way to procreate, you two. Nice job.
ReplyDeleteWe stopped at one due high levels of Arsenic and living next to Hanford Nuclear reactors. Oh yea, and the power lines. But that's just me. You guys...no problem. Have more.
ReplyDeleteOh, but he is looking so much less like an alien and so much more like George Burns! I'm so happy to hear he's getting to technical support removed - that's such great news! I can't wait to see him. And hold him, and rock him, and buy him malt liquor. Tell him his auntie Ele sends a big smooch.