Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome, Gnome! (Big Day!)

More to come.


  1. Aaaaaggggghhhh! He's all tube-free!!!!!!

  2. Oh, he's more than tube free... he's HOSPITAL FREE! He's home, he's Home, HE'S HOME!

  3. I think he thinks the gnome thing is silly. He's all "Really? I spend weeks in a freaking hospital with tubes in me and when I finally get home I'm greeted with a garden gnome in a purple tutu. Great..."

    But seriously, congratulations and well done!

  4. It's not a tutu, it's a boa. Sheesh!

    If you don't know the story of the Welcome Gnome (As I think William (Whim) does, it is thus:

    In our building, whenever someone comes home from having been away for a while, or when someone new moves in, this funny little guy is generally there at their door to greet them.

    Just one of the zillion reasons we believe we live in the coolest place in the world. (Well, "cool" might not be exactly the right word. Not in the Fonzie sense, anyhow.)
