Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Bumbo Series

A Bumbo is a little baby holder upper chair-pod thingy. Hale inherited his from his neighbor Asher. He's taken to it quite nicely.


  1. love the bumbo...but you will see soon enough that your mom puts you in it to keep you in one place when she needs to do something and you are moving around! I get stuck in mine now and it makes me angry!

  2. I can NOT believe that is the same little Hale!!! He has gotten so big and he is just sooooo adorable! Brandon thinks he even looks a bit like Kellen . . . it must be from all that bonding time in the SCN! Love the new posts/pictures! We sure miss you guys. We should have a little preemie reunion with all the boys. Hope you are doing great and tell Hale hi for us!!

    Natalie and Fam :)
