Derek and Eleanor--Amy's best friends from f'rever--were both there yesterday. We four went out for dinner after a long day of visiting. What a crazy bounty of friends and family we got!

Lot of hand washing goes on around here. Each time we pass in or our of the SCN (Special Care Nursery), ya gotta wash up. This time, it's for a delivery of breast milk for the boy's feeding. Hale and Amy are keeping in a tight race--his hunger is increasing at just about exactly the rate Amy's producing more.
Elixir of life, that stuff.

Last night Hale spent about half an hour just making eyes at us. It was completely thrilling, in that quiet kind of way.

I guess it's not totally necessary to gush on and on about how much this kid is making us feel and all that. But heck, this blog thing is more about us remembering what we're feeling and seeing, and sharing it with Hale later, than about revealing any new insights to the world.
Having a kid, and seeing him nuzzle into his Mom's breast and quieten down and breathe easy? Well that's about the most humanly satisfying, beautiful thing I've ever experienced.

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