Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Videos: A How To Cheat the Bugz

We've been watching as lots of people are having troubles with videos on blogger-hosted sites. Some of Hale's readers have as well.

Here are a couple things that sort of work on our computer to get the videos to work:

If you click and it gives you a message like "this video is not available", try reloading the page, and see if it doesn't load and play then. (If it doesn't, please drop us a comment.)

If you see the video and don't get an error message, but it just does nothing when you click the "play" arrow, try grabbing the playhead--that little cursor looking thing that slides across as you play it--and drag it across a little bit.

That (for us anyway) seems to kind of jumpstart the player's brain. Probably you'll get a little note onscreen that says, "buffering..." That's good news. Slide the playhead back to the left and click the Play button.

And finally, videos are always going to run better if you let them load in before starting to play.

Cross your fingers.

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