I heard for the first time tonight the term "the iGeneration" --to describe the generation of teens out now. That is right, as in iPod, iTouch, iPhone etc.
I am from Generation X, I am pretty sure. The Winona Ryder generation--known for being lost--drowning in our vast sea of choices--frozen by our options, dying for someone to tell us what to do.
I think we are doing okay. (Well, Winona has seen the inside of a few lock ups for her stealing problem, but I hear she has a new TV show this season.)
I wonder what the title of Hale's generation will be called. I can just see him and his friends seeing an iSomething from 2010 and saying, "Oh. Ma. Gaaa, is that seriously a personal computer? It is so huge and it doesn't even teleport? Lame."
( Teleport, is that ever gonna really happen? That would be worth signing on with AT&T.)
Maybe Hale's generation will be a the first generation to have a tech backlash, and they will be called Generation A. And they will be known for doing everything Analog style. They will use those big chunky day timers and bookmarks and stationery.
This blog is Hale's baby book, pretty much, but it could be more than that. I have got to keep organizing all this documentation. It is important. Who knows what the future holds? If we have to send Hale off into space in his own crystal crusted pod like Superman, he'd better have a complete blog to download.
Just think if Jor-El, Superman's father from Krypton (played by Marlon Brando in the movie), hadn't kept all the info for Superman to discover? Clark Kent would have never known why he could run faster than a speeding train. How confusing, right? He would of ended up just another freak like David Copperfield, not a superhero.
History. Where we came from--The Power of the Myth-- Joseph Campbell and all that. It is so important.
This is why I am going to keep my...
New Year's Resolution #14: To Post to Hale's blog at least once a week
(Yikes, it is out there now. Better do it. )
I wholly approve of your resolution. Olga and I take probably annoying pleasure out of seeing pictures and videos of Hale, but that's all right, because we live by ourselves. Huh... I was just reminded very powerfully of Scott's call to me to tell me... Anyway, sweet stuff aside, Clark Kent became Superman due to the example of his Kansan earth parents and their simple, decent agrarian ethos. Being from Krypton made him powerful, being from Kansas made him good. :P Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteOh, and igeneration? I mean, the whole gen x thing was a marketing scheme, but now we've directly aligned an entire generation to a computer company? oi.
This is SO GREAT. Plus, you've inspired me to keep up with regular Asher blogging! (It's always a bit of a fun game to figure out which one of Hale's parents is writing... this time I'm pretty sure it's Amy.) xxo