Friday, January 15, 2010

Hale's first rite of passage: The return to Group Health

In December, Hale has his final check-in with the occupational therapist at Group Health. Babies born early are automatically signed up with a therapist to make sure their fine and gross motor skills are progressing as they should be.

Hale was given a test where he had to do things like pick up a Cheerio, follow a red ball with his eyes, turn a page in a book, etc... He passed with flying colors and is pretty much right on track as a full-on 11 month old. In other words, his preemie-ness isn't much of a factor anymore.

Alhamdulillah! Scott and I feel so blessed. We were never given much reason to worry. Hale came early. He had to live at the hospital for awhile and it was hard, and wonderful and when we returned to visit the nurses, Scott and I were struck with such sweet feelings of nostalgia.

"Remember?" we said to one another as we got in the elevator to the Special Care Nursery.

"Remember?" we said as we smelled the familiar smell of the halls--as we peered through the window and saw the tiniest of tiny babies with bored, anxious moms beside them.

I think Hale was Remembering too. He remembered Nurse Nancy. His eyes lit up so big when he heard her voice and ours did too.

Hale taking a tour of this first home.

On a side note, we think Hale might be a good test taker. During his time with the occupational therapist, he got full points in the area of fine motor skills for turning the pages of a book.

We had really only seen him do this once or twice at home, and not very skillfully. We think he might have just been performing this trick because he knew it counted. Maybe this means he will do better on the SATs than I did.

1 comment:

  1. Occupational therapist for babies!?!?!? That must be the funnest job ever.
